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At this time the Foundation’s Funding priority is the Library’s Expansion and Renovation Project.

Summer of 2018 – A modified version of the Phase Two was completed in the summer of 2018.  That project included new windows, ramp and main entrance on the north and masonry restoration on the north facade. The east facade and walkway is the current priority

Continued financial support is needed.  Your donation will be acknowledged with a plaque on the appropriate Donor Recognition Book in the Library.

Visionary $50,000 and up
Benefactor $25,000-$49,999
Patron $10,000-24,999
Partner $5,000-$9,999
Advocate $1,000-$4,999
Supporter $500-$999
Booster $100-$499
Donor Less than $100

Giving Options are described in this brochure.